(set: $blur to (text-style: "blur"))
(set: $blurrier to (text-style: "blurrier"))
{(set: $count to 0)
(Live: 1s)[(set: $count to it + 1)
(if: $count >= 1)[(replace: ?output)[<br>Do you see $blur[them] too?]]
(if: $count >= 2)[(append: ?output)[<br>I haven't been able to get $blurrier[them] out of my head since the accident.]]
(if: $count >= 3)[(append: ?output)[<br>There wasn't much credible information online, though perhaps that shouldn't have come as such a surprise to me.]]
(if: $count >= 4)[(append: ?output)[<br>It's the sort of thing that people love blowing up larger than life, lying to weave themselves into the tapestry: to be in the know, to be a part of the sensational affair.]]
(if: $count >= 5)[(append: ?output)[<br>I wish it was something that could so easily be explained as cracked ankles and rolled wrists hidden beneath thick petticoats and the drapery over a seance table, though.]]
(if: $count >= 6)[(stop:)]]}(set: $bold to (text-style: "bold"))
(set: $italics to (text-style: "italic"))
(set: $underline to (text-style: "underline"))
(set: $strike to (text-style: "strike"))
(set: $superscript to (text-style: "superscript"))
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(set: $outline to (text-style: "outline"))
(set: $shadow to (text-style: "shadow"))
(set: $emboss to (text-style: "emboss"))
(set: $tight to (text-style: "condense"))
(set: $stretch to (text-style: "expand"))
(set: $blur to (text-style: "blur"))
(set: $blurrier to (text-style: "blurrier"))
(set: $pencil to (text-style: "smear"))
(set: $mirror to (text-style: "mirror"))
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(set: $blink to (text-style: "blink"))
(set: $fade to (text-style: "fade-in-out"))
(set: $rumble to (text-style: "rumble"))
(set: $shudder to (text-style: "shudder"))
(set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 0, 230, 0)))