I figured that it'd probably be prudent to cobble together a little penpal page, so here's that! Just so that we both know what we're getting to, if you'd like.
A reminder- you can get in touch with me <a href="mailto:k1ngst4g@gmail.com">here.</a>
[[About Me->aboutme]]
[[Looking For->lookingfor]]
[[Current Penpals->currentpenpals]](set: $bold to (text-style: "bold"))
(set: $italics to (text-style: "italic"))
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(set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 0, 230, 0)))Hi, my name's Ariel Faraday. I'm a correspondent student of the life sciences, and sort of a total homebody. I spend most of my free time up out in the woods near my place- it's really serene. I've gotten fairly good at identifying the local flora and fauna, and I'm super interested in swapping information about your local species, if you'd like!
I watch a lot of movies, mostly in the horror genre. I'm not so good at drawing, but I do like to try, sometimes- mostly little doodled self portraits and studies of the plants around here. I'd try to draw the animals, but outside of bugs, it's kind of hard to get a good look long enough to draw from life. I like to take photos, too, especially of the weather. I game a little, mostly Stardew Valley- I like slower paced life simulators, and have played a lot of classic JRPG games.
I also love old folksongs and country music- stuff that leans heavier on the bluesy side, rather than the new age pop fusion stuff. I'll listen to just about anything, don't get me wrong- electrofunk is pretty fun as a genre, and electroswing: but what can I say, I like a raspy voice and guitar strumming.
I also do a lot of reading, mostly science fiction and horror. Asking me to name a favourite is like asking which for a favourite child- unthinkable. I guess that I'm especially fond of His Dark Materials, though, you can't go wrong with that. Gay rights for the minty little angels. I'm always open to suggestions for podcasts to listen to!I'm kind of open to just about anything, but it would be helpful if we shared [[interests->aboutme]] that I've listed there for an idea.
I'm pretty open in terms of age range and all that- so long as we both speak English, I'm pretty sure we can make it work! I'm not currently learning, or looking to learn another language, though. Right now, physical mail isn't really feasible given how terrible the postal service is out here- I don't have any neighbours to steal packages, but they always leave them at the door without knocking and then they get spirited away: you'd think the raccoons have learned what treats come in the mail from the sight of it. Anyways- e-mail is the best way to get a hold of me! I don't really do parcel swaps, mostly because of postage costs and customs and all that.
You can also include attachments, if you'd like- I'm open to swapping pictures or information about local plants and wildlife in our respective areas. I live in Zone 6 by the Canadian standards, but that's a Zone 5 by the USDA's. I can share some of my botanical drawings too! They're not very good, but I've been practicing. Thankfully, plants are a little more amenable to staying still long enough to use as drawing practice, haha.(set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 84, 184, 233)))
(set: $n to (text-colour: (rgb: 151, 27, 27)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
(set: $c to (text-colour: (rgb: 218,29,129)))
Here's the people that I'm currently corresponding with.
$c[[???]](set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 84, 184, 233)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$a[Bonjour, Ariel!
I saw on your blog that you were looking for a pen pal and I just had to respond! I’ve really been enjoying your blog!!! Seeing your SDV updates has been so fun! I love that you rearranged your furniture for your kitty, kibby comfort is of the utmost importance 😌. Seeing your workbook and your entries has also been helpful, I’ve actually used them as a framework myself. The recovery journey is a tough one, eh? But I just wanted to say I think you’re doing amazingly. I’m proud of you! I hope that we can be friends! My name’s Ariana, by the way!
Lots of Love,
[[Ariana ❤️->ari2]]](set: $n to (text-colour: (rgb: 151, 27, 27)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$n[you may call me nox. i enjoy your blog. i do not allow myself many pleasures, but your blog is one of them. your diary entries, they are insightful. i have been told that i am not the best at being…social. i thought perhaps i could change that -work on it- and i wanted to speak with you: so hello. this is my application to be your pen pal. how was your day?
- [[nox->nox2]]](set: $n to (text-colour: (rgb: 151, 27, 27)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$f[Hello Nox,]
$f[Thanks! I have a lot of fun curating them, it's nice to have my own space. I'm not so good at tinkering around with the aesthetics, but we're getting there. It's fun to learn something on the side, anyways.
That's kind of funny that we're in the same boat. It's a little easier, I think, in a written medium, when you have the time to compose your thoughts and go over what you've written. I'd be happy to be your pen pal, it's definitely something that I need to work on too, haha.
My day was okay. The skies were all overcast and icky, and I haven't seen the stray cat yet today. But, that was good, because I didn't get distracted while trying to build him a little house on the porch. I've mostly been busy with schoolwork today, but I'm a correspondent student, so it's really not all that bad. I've always done better at the self paced stuff. The house measurements have been coming together nicely, but cutting accurately can be kind of hard. I'm not so great with tools.
How was yours?
$f[[[Ariel->nox3]]](set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 84, 184, 233)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$f[Hi Ariana!
I'm glad that you've liked the Stardew updates! It's not really usually my pace of game- I mean, I like slower ones that aren't so stressful, but I think it's because I'd recently been playing a lot of JRPG classics. Have you ever played IB? That one was kind of difficult when it came to the puzzles, but it's definitely a classic for a reason. Anyways, farming is a pretty big change of pace. I've been trying to befriend the villagers, but it's kind of hard, I think. I don't like using the wikia unless I have to! So mostly I've been running into Linus a lot. It's lucky that he likes foraged berries and stuff!
It is! I wish I could have one, but the landlord doesn't allow for pets in the contract. I have been feeding a stray cat lately, there's nothing in the rules against that. He's very fluffy. I've been putting together a little cathouse for him on the porch, since it gets pretty cold where I am at.
Thanks! I'm glad it's helped. Mostly I put them up there for archiving, so it's unexpected, but I'm glad. Sometimes things are tough. But there's always stray cats and berries, I guess.
It's nice to meet you,]
$f[[[Ariel->ari4]]](set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
(set: $c to (text-colour: (rgb: 218,29,129)))
$c[hello, dear.]
$c[it's nice to see you're making friends. i'm glad, truly. i just hope you won't forget about me. you're very special to me, you know. i would never have stayed here so long if it wasn't for you. it's wonderful to see you so happy. you should come out on walks more often, it's good for you. i'll even make sure there isn't anyone to bother you. it's not hard for me to do, just a little push, and everything is right as rain. what's your favourite weather? perhaps i could bring it around for you, too. i can't be too unreasonable, though. nothing too out of season, lionet.]
$c[[[yours.->???2]]](set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
(set: $c to (text-colour: (rgb: 218,29,129)))
I'm sorry, but it looks like you might've sent this to the wrong e-mail address. I hope that you're able to resend it to whoever you're looking for! Thankfully, that's a lot easier to do when it's not physical mail, haha.
It's sort of funny how coincidences line up sometimes though, isn't it? I like going for walks in the woods near my area too! But, I think most people enjoy spending time in nature, once they get over the bitey bugs and annoying joggers. The hikers aren't so bad, for the most part they want to be left alone too.
It'd be a bit too on the nose of fate if your lionet liked it when it was sunny and cool out too- that's the best weather for hiking, you don't get uncomfortable in the heat and the wind tousles your hair at the tops of summits, it's nice.
Oh, but anyhow- I hope you have a nice day, and good luck contacting the person this is meant for!
Ariel](set: $n to (text-colour: (rgb: 151, 27, 27)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$n[i believe you have been doing a lovely job with the aesthetics. i enjoy the animated bit you have on the first page. very well done.
i too find it easier in the written medium. i am glad that we can be penpals. may this be a long lasting friendship.
i am sorry that it was gloomy today. i dislike overcasts as well, they make it hard to see the stars. if you would like i can give you pointers in regards to the tools. i am very good with tools, especially those of the sharp variety. anything i can do to help, i have a soft spot for cats. i currently have a kitten. her name is umbra.
my day was as any other. except for the fact that my stargazing was interrupted. i spent most of it in the trees. in the caves. the like. i hope to do some swimming soon, i miss the cool wash of the waves.
i hope the stray cat drops by. may your day be sunny.
-nox](set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 84, 184, 233)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$a[Good evening, Ariel!
I haven’t played IB, but if you recommend it I’ll give it a shot! You’ve been doing great even without using the wikia, by the way, very fun to see!
Oh gosh you’ll be exited to hear that I’ve actually gotten a cat myself! Today actually! I’ll attach a photo of him, his name is Bijou :D! And awww a little cat house! Do update me on how that goes! I hope the kitty likes it!
Stray cats, berries, and penpals! What more could you ask for!
With love,]
$a[[[Ariana->ari5]]] (set: $a to (text-colour: (rgb: 84, 184, 233)))
(set: $f to (text-colour: (rgb: 1, 104, 14)))
$f[Good evening,
It's a little funny that even though I'm responding a little later than expected, it's still night time. Oh, well, that figures- I'm something of a night owl, anyway.
It's a good game! You'll like the characters, I think. I liked Gyarī a lot. I do sometimes sneak a peek into the forums to see what people suggest or just discovered on their own- like that the community center icon pulsates if it's an item you need for a bundle you haven't fulfilled yet, but it's mostly fun to poke through the game organically. I have a lot of updates I haven't posted yet- I'm kind of behind in that, haha. It's too fun of a game to play! I've made a whole fish room in what the game designates as your bedroom, but I just combined the living room with my bedroom and the kitchen off to the side, so that Sunshine can have a whole room wall to wall full of tanks with fishies to look at. He has his carpet by the hearth with some plants also, and a table is in the fish room so my character could sit there and watch Sunshine watch the fishies. I like to think about that sort of thing a lot. He's a very good cat.
Ohh... He's so fluffy. He looks like a sweet boy. Bijou is a pretty name, like Hamtaro? I liked playing the popping balloons minigame at their amusement park, I was really good at it in game.
I hope he likes it too, he's a very sweet cat. Mostly I have been making sure it's waterproof today. And picking out some nice cushions and stuff for the inside...
Hope things are well on your end,